Caroline Kennedy insults Japanese culture

President Barack Obama appointed Democrat Caroline Kennedy (President Kennedy's daughter) as United States ambassador to Japan. The people in Japan were happy and felt honored to have as a U.S. ambassador a person as Ms. Kennedy coming from a notable family.
During this Japanese jubilation I warned the good people to be weary of this Democrat Caroline Kennedy as Democrats cannot be trusted. Proving me correct Ambassador Kennedy in being culturally insensitive Tweeted the following in reference to the dolphin activity in Taiji, Japan:
"Deeply concerned by inhumaneness of drive hunt dolphin killing," she said. The U.S. government "opposes drive hunt fisheries."
In that Tweet the Ambassador delighted the save-the-dolphin drones, the cowards of Sea Shepherd's Cove Guardians, and Japan bashers, while at the same time insulting the people of Japan. She is one pathetic Democrat and an embarrassment to the USA. The only good thing about her being ambassador to Japan is she is not in the United States.